Friday, August 12, 2005

"I'm sooo fertile...."

So, who else saw Kelly R. this morning? She and her cute hubby were hosting R & K since Reg is on vacation, and the topic of Kelly's fertility came up. Again. Evidently their latest was conceived one night when the grandparents had the kids, and according to Kelly, they weren't even doing anything that would have normally resulted in a pregnancy (like having sex?), but she is SOOOO fertile that it was more like a glance from across a crowded room that got them in trouble. Obviously this isn't a real accurate transcript, no actual quotes, but she basically said they didn't have to do anything and *boom* - another pregnancy. Wow. That must suck for her.

When we were into like the 82nd year of TTC, one of my darling co-workers said "Oh, just call me Fertile Myrtle! I get knocked up at a glance." Now, by show of hands, who among us (I mean us 'infertile myrtles') has not heard this overused, tired little line at least once? How am I supposed to respond? You know, I don't care how I should respond, just please tell me how not to smack someone when they say it.

Now, this brings me to something a little closer to home. I hang out with a group of women, we get together monthly to socialize. It is still a sort of new thing, and I have wavered on whether I want to continue to participate. Right now I'm enjoying it mostly, and I NEED some sort of social life, so I think I'll keep going. But, do you remember that Sesame Street Song "One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong.." Well, that is my theme song for these get-togethers. Because every last one of them is a STAY AT HOME MOM. That's right, I'm the one that is not like the others... And some are still having trouble remembering that, since someone still asks each time "How many kids did you say you have?" Anyway, there are some interesting exchanges that I will cover in another post (Preview: "Want mine?", "What's wrong- do you just not like kids?"...) but this post is about the Super-Fertiles...

Last week we had 2 new pregnancies announced, which led to more talk of all things pregnancy related. Of the 15 women there (obviously not including me), none had trouble conceiving. One had had a miscarriage, but she had also had FOUR successful pregnancies. 4 Women had a combined total of 6 pregnancies while on the pill. I never brought up my sad little history, I just don't want to spend my little bit of social time recounting the failings of my reproductive system. But that is just CRAZY. Where have all the infertiles gone? And why are none of them in my neighborhood? And why am I surrounded by Fertile Myrtles?

I think what bothered me also was that I am on the pill. I like a plan, I don't love surprises. When I wanted kids, I wanted kids. Now that I'm CF, I want to be CF. What kind of cruel Higher Power or Twist of Fate would not let me have a child when I wanted one, but would allow me to get knocked up while on the pill? And after I have squandered the baby fund on expensive chocolates and cheap liquor and slutty clothes?

Of course, I am severely sub-fertile, so I doubt that the pill-pregnancies of a few super-fertiles mean anything to me. But maybe Kelly Ripa should think about using a few back-up methods.

The thing is, I pretty much like Kelly Ripa. Although I don't really know her, and only catch the show for a few minutes every couple of months, I don't dislike her. She seems cute, funny, high energy. I have no valid reason to dislike her, I don't think being fertile is a valid reason not to like someone (although I didn't really dig her talking about it this morning...) She makes fun of herself, I like that. And I like my friends who are fertile. It is just soooo weird how some women can be so fertile that they get pregnant during phone sex, and some women can't get pregnant or can't stay pregnant with a team of highly trained, highly paid specialists and a warehouse full of fertility drugs.


Blogger Donna said...

There's no explaining it. I've lost the ability to believe in fate, karma, tarot cards, planetary alignments, all of it. It's all random and it doesn't make any sense. BTW, my MOTHER used that "all your father had to do was look at me" line when I told her about my IF. Thanks Mom.

August 12, 2005 9:31 PM  

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