Saturday, April 29, 2006


Wow, my friends do sound like assholes! I do wish I knew more people who didn't have kids, but so far the only ones we know are currently in the midst of TTC...

I failed to write in the last post about my AWESOME friends who are so cool and supportive and fun that I don't feel worthy of their attention....

Like my gooooooood friend S, who made me homemade cookies after I got all weepy on the phone with her (same day as my PMS post...), and who took me shopping and made me try on things I would never try on, resulting in a large VISA bill this month but some very sexy things to wear!

She is also one of the best and coolest moms I know, as is her sister, S2, who is also one of the best friends I have. I love their kids, and we do spend a lot of time with the kids, but it is never all kids, all the time--- we have adult conversations, they get babysitters and we go out for drinks, dinner, spa treatments. So, yes, some of my friends are a little sucky, (I really think they're just insecure, so they question me, because I'm doing it differently) but I have some REALLY AMAZING friends, as well.

I had a t-shirt when I was a baby (actually, it was my brother's first...) that had a big smiley face on the front and said "Good Water is Good Good Good Good Good" and on the back it said "Bad Water is Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad" I think I need a t-shirt that says "Good friends are Good Good Good Good Good!" I'll leave anything about Bad Friends off because they aren't worth mentioning anyway...


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