Saturday, October 22, 2005

changes in platitudes

I used to think that stupid things to be told were incredibly more abundant when you were TTC- maybe they still are, I can think of 2001 stupid things that have been said (Just Relax, Take Mine, Meant to Be, and all the variations.) for those TTC.

Well, there are also a multitude of stupid things to be told about not having children. Mainly "Oh, you'll change your mind." and (if you had tried in the past to have children) "Oh, well, now that you're not trying, that is when it will happen!"

And if I happen to say something like "Oh, that is the cutest outfit for a baby girl!" or "What a neat toy" or "He is precious! What a great Halloween costume." I get that knowing look and something along the lines of (usually in a sing-song voice)"Ahh, sounds like sooooomeooooone is haaaaaaving second thoooouuuughts....." or "I knew you weren't locked into this silly idea of not having children, you just needed a break from trying!"

So, when I was trying to get pregnant, if I said something about a cute baby or whatever, I got a knowing look and a pat on the hand and "Oh, honey, it will happen for you, too" or "All in God's time" or something like that. And I felt to some degree that I needed shut the hell up, because it made people a little uncomfortable sometimes, the statement was seldom taken at face value. But now, I sort of thought that I would be free to make these comments without the platitudes in return, but I still get them, just different ones with the same knowing looks.

I for one am going to try really hard to not ever again say anything prescribed, trite, contrived to people just because I can't come up with anything else. I'm just going to be open to whatever they want to tell me.


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