Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm going to be petty... and spiteful.

OK, so tonight I went to a P@mpered Chef party, and I had been to a party by the same 'kitchen consult@ant' before, and this is how our conversation went:

Her: "Hi! I'm Leigh!"
Me: "Hi, I'm Rooshie, we've actually met before, I was at your show last month at Kim's house."
Her: "Oh, that's right! Now, I can't remember, are your kids at School A or School B?"
Me: "Neither. I don't have kids."
Her: "YET, right!!!????!!!! HAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAAAA!"
Me: Blank stare.
Her: "Well, enjoy it while it lasts! hahahahahah!"
Me: "We're actually not having kids, so, yeah, guess we'll just enjoy it forever."
Her: "Well, you'll see what I mean when you have yours! Enjoy it while it lasts! Hahahahhhhaaaaa"
Me: Blank stare.
Her: (finally catching on...)"Oh. OH! oh..."

The whole thing just sucked. I didn't like getting (AGAIN) the whole questioning about my kids. I mean, asking 3 seconds into meeting or re-meeting someone if they have kids is bad enough, but jumping right in with the assumption that I do have kids really sucks, and it seems to happen about every other time that I meet someone. Secondly, the whole "yet" assumption. Is there really room in her mouth for both feet? Well, obviously there is, because she just kept on going.

So, my petty, spiteful, revenge, that she probably won't even register, is that I'm not going to order anything from her. Ha! Actually, I made a point of noting to her the things I'm interested in, but I'm going to order them through someone else. Ha. That will teach her to make assumptions. Or not. But it will give me a little tiny bit of satisfaction. Screw her.


Blogger Donna said...

I'm not sure it gets any easier...stupid people are a majority in this world.

October 26, 2005 12:31 PM  

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