Friday, August 04, 2006

(CL x 2)/(SAHM x 10) = Better...

Last night I hosted the group of women, the SAHM's. For me hosting is a little easier, I'm more comfortable in my own environment. I also invited someone new into the group- my friend S3. S3 does not yet have children and may not have children. To me, the dynamic changed just a tad, just enough... S3 is awesome, I overheard her answering a question about her parent-status by saying "No, we don't have kids, we just have lots and lots of earth shattering sex." She cracks me up. Anyway, there is strength in numbers and 2 vs 10 was just enough to shift the balance for me into a more comfortable place.

Now, on to the good advice I'm getting in my comments- to seek out an activity or group that can give me both social opportunities and something worthwhile to do with my time... I know, I know! You're totally right. I'm just having a hard time picking something. Here are some things I've been thinking about:

1. Volunteering. Well, it is true that volunteer work has been a blessing in my life. I spent about 10 or 12 years volunteering at nursing homes, and while it was very rewarding, it was also very hard and it became too much for me emotionally. And I'm not ready to go back. Not yet. One volunteer opportunity I may look more into is something with infants. No, I'm not crazy, I just love to hold and rock the babies...

2. Golf. My husband loves golf, and I always assumed I would take it up when our children had left the nest... So since our nest is going to stay empty why not start early? Well, golf is a sport of... hot, at least this time of the year. I'm not taking it off the list, but I haven't been able to muster more than a mild interest in Golf. It is also a sport of money- Clubs, Shoes, Balls, Cute Outfits, Cart Fees, Lessons (MUCH Needed Lessons...). It all adds up. We may not be able to afford but one golfer in this family.

3. Sewing. I love sewing, but it isn't much of a group activity. I guess it could be, but I don't love dragging my machine all over creation. My group sewing experiences have generally been a bunch of sewers in a common location feverishly working on their own projects with minimal chitchat because we're all desperate to get as much done as we can before getting kicked out. And talking over the whirl of the machines isn't easy, and eye contact is near impossible... So I will continue to sew, but it doesn't help my social needs.

4. Classes at the local Arts Center. We have awesome Art Centers around here, and they offer many classes that make me drool. My problem here is that I become overwhelmed with the choices and indecision keeps me from enrolling until it is too late. I know, I know, I'll get off my ass and enroll in the next session, even if I have to pick the course I will take out of a hat.

5. Gardening. I may look into some gardening clubs in the area. Another activity of hotness, but I need some serious inspiration in my yard. An opportunity to meet people and get something done and learn. I just don't want one of those stuffy gardening clubs...

6. Book Clubs. There are some book clubs available for me to join, but I don't know if I will. I love to read, so it would seem like a no-brainer. Maybe, we'll see.

7. Tennis. But I suck, so no.

I don't know what else to add to the list. I probably shouldn't add anything, just work through these and then see what I'm left with.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a dance class! I highly recommend bellydancing...

August 09, 2006 9:35 PM  

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