Thursday, October 27, 2005

Not Eligible for Membership

So, I forgot to mention that at the same P@ampered Chef P@rty, I found out that I am not eligible for a lot of the social functions with the girls I've been spending time with.

For example, some have been talking about a book club, and I have said twice now that if they have an opening that I would love to join. Well, they do have openings, but... It is only for the Mom's Club members, so I'm not eligible. Girls Night out? Well, technically it is Mom's Night out, an 'official' gathering. Sorry. Potluck dinners. Lunches. etc.

Truthfully, if I were a mom I am not sure that I would want to be in a Mom's Group- I've never been a joiner. But just knowing I can't be included... I guess I'm just not big on clubs- why make things official, why have members and non-members? Maybe it dates back to adolescence, and feeling left out or something. Maybe there are reasons that someone could share with me, argue on the side of membership? Well, OK, I guess I understand membership to Sam's Club- I pay money, I get to shop there. If you don't pay, you can't shop. So maybe Mom's Club is like that- you pay dues, they organize... something? Whatever. Truthfully, I'm happy to hear that there is reason for my not being invited to join in with these activities, at least it isn't just that they don't want me to participate.

And I have (as proof that I have matured by leaps and bounds since adolescence) talked to some of the girls that I like, pointing out that since I work from home, my schedule is flexible, I could use human contact, call me for lunch anytime. I say you know, since I am not a mom and I work at home, it is tough to meet people, so I'd love to get together for lunch. And they're picking up on it, calling me, getting me out. I used to would have never considered that because it shows some degree of need, something I've never been to good at admitting (maybe why my adolescence sucked), but I know that admitting I need friends and social support doesn't make me particularly needy, just human.


Blogger Donna said...

If you live anywhere near me I'd love to get together -- I'm in the SF Bay Area. We don't need their stupid Mommy Clubs, we'll form our own.

October 28, 2005 3:00 PM  

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