Monday, October 31, 2005

Random things

Hmmm. Nothing much to say, just random thoughts.

I was flipping around and landed on 'A Wedding Story' just in time to see a bridesmaid/sister/??? (I don't know who because I hadn't been watching...) say to the bride "I'm so happy for you. Just don't have a baby before me." Wow, I really felt for her, I mean, she said it with a smile, but can you imagine what had been below the surface for her? I can relate to that, I remember having anxiety when people who got married after me would get that gleam in their eye. "No!!!!!",I wanted to scream, "Not! Before! Me!!!!"

Donna has graciously offered to co-found a club just for us and whomever we deem worthy! Yea! Of course, we live about as far apart from each other as possible and still be in the continential US... I graciously accept her offer, but wish very much that she lived around the corner. Then we could go to things together and roll our eyes at dumbasses or just skip it and go have a drink!

I am crocheting a cute little sweater for my soon-to-be-born niece. It is my first one (sweater, not niece), but so far it is looking just about adorable.

Do any of you without children ever get this kind of thing:
"You should just give me your mini-van since you don't have kids."
"You work at home, so I should just drop my kids at your house instead of paying for daycare."
"We should trade houses, you have all that room for just the 2 of you, and with the kids we're packed in like sardines."

I love my mini-van. I love my job. I love my house. And I work for them all. Just because you think that you could put it to better use doesn't mean that you should have mine.


Blogger Donna said...

I've never had anyone be bold (and stupid) enough to suggest that they should have what I have because it would work out better for them with kids, but I do get the "you're so lucky" speech ALL the time. Even if it was my choice to be childless -- if I never wanted children -- then I still wouldn't feel lucky. Why are people so stupid? At least we have our virtual club!

November 01, 2005 12:44 PM  

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